You ask them: "Shall I accept a patron except for Lord Allah, the Asunder of the heaven and the earth?" He is feeding everyone while He is not fed. You say: "Indeed, I am ordered to be the first one who has submitted wholly to him", and you shouldn't be among the Mushriks.
Messenger and believers are commanded to say as told in this verse. It is told in verse 39: 12: "I am commanded to be the first among Muslims who submitted wholly to the Lord". It is commanded the believer to ask through verse 6: 164: " Do I seek Lord besides Allah while He is the Lord of everything?". Through verses 39: 64-66 the Messenger and believers are commanded to ask the disbelieving people: “Oh the ignorant! are you commanding me to serve others besides Lord? It is inspiring to you and those before you that if you do associate others with Lord, surely all your deeds will become futile, and you will be among the losers. Nay, to Lord then you serve, and be among the grateful". Verse 10: 104 ends as: "I am ordered to be among the believers", and verse 10: 105 ends as: "You don't be among the Mushriks who associate others in the dominion of Lord". The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar mentioned as worthless people in verses 25: 17-18 are only reading these verses today. But they are carrying Lord’s Book like the burden carrying donkeys as told in verse 62: 5. So their concept about Lord is so evil that Lord’s wrath and curse are affected upon them, they have evil consequences, and for them, Hell is kept prepared as explained in verse 2: 46. Everyone among the Fujjar will witness against his soul that indeed he was among the disbelievers as explained in verse 7: 37. The Truth Adhikr is revealed to punish the hypocritical men and women, and the Mushrik men and women, and to accept the repentance of the believing men and women as told in verses 33: 72-73. See explanation 2: 113, 135; 3: 83-85, 101-102, and 4: 48.